By Ash, Oak and Thorn

Julia Thum • Aug 17, 2021
What in the Wild World is happening? 

Three little people, no bigger than your hand, wake from their winter sleep in the hollow trunk of an ash tree. Moss, Burnet and Cumulous usually love spring, but their joy turns to worry when they discover that Cumulus, the oldest, is starting to fade away. 

The trio leave their beloved home in search of answers. Guided by birds, stars and wild creatures, they set out to find more of their folk. Other Hidden Folk are rumoured to live in an ancient oak on the bank of a stream, deep in the countryside. But they soon learn that they must travel much further, to a loud, busy and danger-filled place called The Hive. 

My Thoughts 

A delightful story that gives the reader a magical child's eye view of nature, and introduces a cast of characters so rich and real I will definitely read it again before the summer is out. 

Melissa Harrison writes about nature in such a knowledgable, accessible and wondrous way, I felt she shrunk me, took me by the hand, and led me through her wonder-filled world of Hidden Folk, and what a privilege it was to walk with her through the English countryside, shining a microscope on so many tiny, over-looked and fascinating aspects of the natural world. 
By Ash Oak and Thorn tells the story of a disappearing world; a vanishing way of life that echoes the impact of environmental change and a climate in crisis. 

A perfect summer read and children and adults will enjoy again and again. 

ps. Look at the cover. Couldn't you just spend hours gazing at this alone? I did. x
By Julia Thum 29 May, 2024
I have always wanted to understand more about bees, and earlier this year I was lucky enough to go on a 'Bee Keeping Experience' morning at Stepney City Farm , where I learnt about 'The Hummmmmmble Honey Bee, And The Incredible Job They Do.' This wonderful morning educated me and my fellow bee-lievers on the life cycle of bee, bee colonies, and the queen bee and the job she does. We also learnt about life in and around the hive, including the bee's famous 'Waggle Dance', and the reasons bees tend to swarm. Finally, our teacher told us about honey; what it is and how it's made, then we even got to taste some! But best of all - as illustrated above - we went outside in special bee keeper suits, and actually met some bees, including an appearance by Megan, Queen of the Hive!. If you have ever been interested in finding out about bees, how these fascinating little creatures contribute so much to our environment and would like to meet them face to face, then a Bee Keeping experience might be for you. Failing that, check out some of these fabulous websites which are packed with fun and interesting facts about these incredible insects, and ways you and your friends can join the movement to protect our pollinators. Bee Friendly Trust , where you can learn how to help create habitats for honey bees and all pollinators to thrive. Bumblebee Conservation Trust , where you can learn how to make your space and garden more bumblebee friendly. British Beekeepers Association , where you can learn fun ways to make your school a Bee Friendly School.
By Julia Thum 12 Oct, 2023
From the author of October, October , winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal, comes a heartbreaking and heart-warming story about sisterhood, found family and accepting love in the most unusual and unknown places. Fen and Rey were found curled up small and tight in the fiery fur of the foxes at the very edge of the wildlands. Fen is loud and fierce and free. She feels a connection to foxes and a calling from the wild that she's desperate to return to. Rey is quiet and shy and an expert on nature. She reads about the birds, feeds the lands and nurtures the world around her. They are twin sisters. Different and the same. Separate and connected. They will always have each other, even if they don't have a mother and don't know their beginning. But they do want answers. Answers to who their mother is and where she might be. What their story is and how it began. So when a fox appears late one night at the house, Fen and Rey see it as a sign - it's here to lead them to their truth, find their real family and fill the missing piece they have felt since they were born. But the wildlands are exactly wild. They are wicked and cruel and brutal and this journey will be harder and more life changing than either Fen or Rey ever imagined ... My Thoughts Reading this book is like disappearing into a wonderful dream. Beautifully written in a mesmerising voice, the setting feels so real you can feel the leaves brush by you and the chill wind down your spine. The characters are skilfully drawn with both sisters telling us their story and sharing their emotional arc from the beginning to the end of their adventure with the author seamlessly and very effectively flitting between the two girl's inner life. The story itself is full of hope, and keeps the reader turning the pages to find out what happens to these two fascinating girls. A roller coaster of a tale with heart warming and heart stopping moments, much intrigue and joy and a hugely satisfying ending. I strongly recommend this book to readers of all ages, particularly middle grade readers with an interest in natural settings.
By Julia Thum 17 Jul, 2023
From the Costa Award winning author of Voyage of the Sparrowhawk comes an epic adventure with a call to arms: we must fight to save the most treasured things on our planet. On the top of the hill, overlooking the sea, that's where you'll find a magical place . . . To Bea and Raffy, Ravenwood is home. In its own way, the house rescued them, even if it did have a fallen-down tree taking up most of the kitchen. So the idea that it could be sold. Demolished even. Well, that's unthinkable. Then again, it's not like the children get a choice. But the truth is, we can all make our own choices, especially if we care enough . . . My Thoughts To me, this is a perfect book. A thrilling story, beautifully written, all about having the courage to hold onto what's precious, and fiercely guard the extraordinary natural world we are privileged to share. Everything about this story will delight young readers who look for adventure and escape in their books. The author effortlessly carries us into a beautiful and eccentric world where relationships between people and nature are complicated, and very precious. With themes of grief, friendship and courage, and an ending that literally had me punching the air with delight, The Rescue of Ravenwood is simply not one to be missed.
By Julia Thum 21 Apr, 2023
 Explore the incredible place we call home! Marvel at the physical planet, learn how the weather works, meet some of the most influential people from the past and present, and much more. Examine every corner of the Earth, from outer space to underground and from the Maasai steppe to Manhattan. My Thoughts This gorgeous book is divided into four large sections, Physical Earth, Life on Earth, Earth Regions, and Human Planet. There are lots of colourful maps and fascinating facts about various places, species, and behaviour, showing the wonderful diversity of life on this planet and hopefully helping readers understand the need to protect it.
By Julia Thum 17 Apr, 2023
It's February 1974 and working class families have been hit hard by the three-day week. The reduced power usage means less hours for people to work, and less money to get by on. Thirteen-year-old Jason feels the struggle keenly. Ever since his parents died, it's just been him and his older brother Richie. Richie is doing his best, but since he can't make ends meet he's been doing favours for the wrong people. Every day they fear they won't have enough and will have to be separated. One thing that helps distract Jason is the urban legend about a beast in the valleys. A wildcat that roams the forest three villages up the river from their bridge. When Jason's friends learn of a reward for proof of The Beast's existence, they convince Jason this is the answer to his and Richie's money problems. Richie can get himself out of trouble before it's too late and the brothers can stay together. And so a quest begins ... Starting at the bridge of their village and following the river north, the four friends soon find themselves on a journey that will change each of them ... forever. My Thoughts Lesley Parr has the wonderful, rare, and hard-earned skill of writing sublime stories that, on the face of it, seem sensationally simple but, like an onion, reveal later after layer after layer to the reader long after the book has been put down. Like The Valley of Lost Secrets, Where The River Takes Us is primarily about brotherhood and friendship, and beneath that there is grief, loyalty, fear, and - most importantly for young readers - a lot of food and a fabulous adventure. The setting, Wales 1974, is sublimely drawn and the issues - poverty, strikes, social care, bullying - are as relevant today as they were fifty years ago. The characters feel alive and individual, each one representative of people we have all met along the way, and the author illustrates the deep love between them without once - as far as I can remember - actually using the L word. Where the River Takes Us is a thought-provoking, exciting, tear-jerker of an adventure To be enjoyed by free readers aged 8-11 and a great one to read together at bedtime.
By Julia Thum 15 Mar, 2023
R un away from what they see. Discover who you are. Maudie and Jake's family is falling to pieces - their mum's been struggling with her grief since they lost Dad and one night she vanishes. When Jake is put into care, Maudie can't take it any more. She comes up with a wild plan to pull their family back together - by kidnapping Jake. On the run in Cornwall, Jake and Maudie each find something they hadn't expected - freedom and love. But can they find Mum and a way to heal together?A powerful and insightful novel about grief, disability and first love; a story about getting lost and finding yourself. My Thoughts A wonderful, heartbreaking, tender, hopeful story of grief, love, and acceptance. What the World Doesn't see is a is all-consuming, with distinct voices that suck the reader into its vortex of emotion, grief, fear, and joy. Mel Darbon's characters are multi-dimensional and technicolor, so vivid they stay with you long, long after you finish reading the book. The story is gripping - I had to make myself slow down so that it lasted longer - and the emotional intelligence behind it all is extraordinary. If you read just one book this year, make it this one.
By Julia Thum 06 Mar, 2023
Lily and Tom travel the county with Ma Hawker, enthralling crowds with their amazing collection of curios. Always on the lookout for new wonders, Lily is tricked into buying a worthless bag of rubbish. But hidden within is a special piece of scrimshaw. A young woman called Flora Meriweather is desperate to buy the scrimshaw, hoping it can help her solve a mystery surrounding her late mother. But someone else also wants to get his hands on the scrimshaw and ensure that secrets stay hidden in the past. Can the Curio Collectors help the truth come to light? My Thoughts This book is sublime! From the gorgeous title, cover illustrations and production quality to the absolutely delightful story, The Curio Collectors is a joy to behold. I always enjoy Eloise Williams' novels; she is a master storyteller w ith a delightful lexicon that enriches the story and the reader, with not a word wasted. In The Curio Collectors Eloise has pulled off a blinder, creating a seemingly simple tale that is rich with history, multi dimensional characters, complex relationships (I love the dynamic between Lily and Tom), and conflict. And y ou only have to hea r the fabulous name ' Horatio Pinch ' , and g lance at Anna Shepeta's brilliant illustration, to know all you need to know about the badd y who instantly put me in mind of Ian Fleming's terrifying Child Catcher. Barrington Stoke (the publishers) list this title as having a reading age of 8, and with a dyslexia-friendly layout, typeface and paperstock so that even more readers can enjoy it. Certainly I can imagine it appealing to younger readers as a challenge, and older readers as a relaxing, easy read. I am 203, absolutely loved it and can vividly see nine-year-old me carrying it around, stroking the cover, copying the pictures and reading and reading it again. Fantastic stuff!
By Julia Thum 03 Mar, 2023
Set in a world where plants talk, friendship is hard-won and adventure is around the bend of every river ... Orla has lived on her own since Ma died, with only her beloved garden for company. When sickness comes and nature is blamed, Orla knows she must find a cure. Armed with her mother's book of plants and remedies, she steals away on a river boat with two other stowaways, Idris and Ariana. Soon the trio must navigate the rapids of the Inkwater to a poisonous place from which they may never return ... My Thought s This is an absolute dream of a book. Yarrow Townsend is an astonishingly talented writer and in this - her first novel - she takes the reader on a twisty turney journey through the wonders of nature while cleverly weaving a complex and multi-layered story that comes to a fabulously satisfactory and unexpected conclusion. My favourite bit is the plants, who talk to Orla all along the way, begging, cajoling, berating her with their whispered words. This conceit works fantastically, and involves the reader in the very roots of the story. I also love the start of every chapter where the plants are categorised with Latin name and folklore or healing powers. This story really does have everything; nature, a good plot, diverse and interesting characters, twists and turns and a truly original premise. I thoroughly enjoyed it and urge all of you to read it.
By Julia Thum 02 Mar, 2023
Hazel’s new life in England should have been the stuff of fairy tales; after all her aunt’s cottage looked just like a gingerbread house, with a magical garden and whispering fireflies promising quests and adventures. But as Hazel struggles to deal with the challenges of the everyday world –⁠ making friends, missing her family –⁠ she also learns that every fairy tale has a dark side. And there are terrifying creatures that lurk in the shadows . . . A middle grade book about family, friendship and finding your place, with a delicate touch of magic. Perfect for 9-12 year olds. My Thoughts This enchanting quest by Aisha Bushby whisks the reader into a fairytale world while cleverly addressing the subject of mental health struggles and battling inner demons with enormous sensitivity. Readers can take the story at face value, enjoying a page-turning fantasy with all the wolves and witches we would hope for in a fairy tale, or enjoy the author's powerful metaphor for mental illness and her sensitive exploration of the debilitating effects of OCD. Readers who enjoyed The Night Animals would enjoy this story, with both books delicately dealing with really important topics and sharing the important message that asking for help can make even the bleakest situations more manageable.
By Julia Thum 01 Mar, 2023
Nora's mum has good days and bad days, but the bad days are getting worse. It's been just the two of them for always, and they don't need anyone else. When the rainbow-shimmering ghost animals Nora used to see when she was small start to reappear, she's convinced that they hold all the answers. Along with new friend Kwame, Nora follows a glittering ghostly fox, hare, raven and otter on the adventure of a lifetime, helping her to find the strength she needs to help her family. My Thoughts  This is a story of hope. A young girl, struggling to understand her Mum's PTSD diagnosis is guided through her journey to acceptance by a range of delightful rainbow ghost animals who only she can see. It is a wonderfully gentle introduction to discussing mental health issues, and shows the power of asking for help, and trusting others with our fragile feelings. I loved Kwame and his grandad who brought joy to what is at times a very sad story, and the animals, which were beautifully written. I feel like this would be a particularly lovely book to read together, if talking about stuff is difficult. It would probably bring tears, and much needed conversations and that would be all to the good. But as well as the deeper themes and meanings, this is also a sweet tale that any young reader would enjoy. Highly recommended.
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